Dr. Nikolas Stylianides is Technical and Project Manager in ICU. He was born in Cyprus on June 27 1973. He received his diploma (Diplomate Engineer) as an Electrical and Computer Engineer from the National Technical University of Athens in 1997 and his PhD in Telecommunication Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens in 2006. He is currently member of the Academic Core Team and Coordinator of "MSc in APPLIED HEALTH INFORMATICS" in Open University of Cyprus and the owner and CTO of LEAFNET LTD, a small Cyprus company providing software solutions in Health Informatics and eLearning. He was visiting assistant professor in University of Cyprus and Cyprus University of Technology from 2009 until 2013 teaching amongst other Operating Systems, Software Engineering, Programming Languages and Applied Discrete Mathematics. His main expertise and research interests include eLearning, eHealth and mHealth. He has been involved in several projects funded by EU, the National Research Foundation of Cyprus, the INTERREG and other bodies, like the EGEE (distributed computing), Teleprometheus (eLearning), Telerehabilitation, Ariadne (eHealth, mHealth) and Creactive (Health Informatics). He was the technical manager in several industry telecommunication (4Plus Technologies and Siemens Telecom R&D Dept.) projects designing and developing 3G simulators for UMTS and GPRS core components stress, validation and verification testing. He was the technical and project manager of the TelePrometheus (www.intensivecare.com.cy/teleprometheus) and TeleRehabilitation (www.intensivecare.com.cy/telerehabilitation) research projects. Both projects have been accepted by the Cyprus Ministry of Health as Health services currently available to health professionals, patients and their families. He was the technical and project manager of the ARIADNE project funded by EEA grants that successfully delivered a telepsychological service for patient families underage members utilizing state of the art internet technologies. The platform creates secure virtual rooms and enables patient assessment and real time communication and between the psychologist and the child. Currently he is involved in the design and development of an innovative eLearning platform for intensivists all around Europe (ESICM).
Nikolas Stylianides
- Position: Traumatic Brain Injury
- Affiliation: Republic of Cyprus, Ministry of Health