Andreani Odysseos, MD/PhD (female) founder and leader of the Translational Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology Team at the University of Cyprus, combines translational clinical research, academic and entrepreneurial expertise, greatly sought for an undertaking such as the IPMT CoE Teaming project. Her main research interests include molecular imaging and nanomedicine –based drug delivery systems in multifactorial, kinase-mediated malignancies, epitomised by malignant gliomas, drug resistance and the role of biological and mechanical barriers in tumor management. She is also involved in projects with emerging concepts and technologies such as Molecular Communications and Nanonetworks and their applicability in the management of highly complex malignancies, highly relevant to IPMT CoE. She is the author of 28 papers (6 under publication), 2 chapters, one monograph, 1 editorial, 50 conference proceedings, essentially cited with an H-index 26. She has been awarded with 3 EPO and US patents, 1 WIPO, two of which on nanomedicine. Over the past 10 years Dr Odysseos has attracted national and EC funding, 9 as coordinator, amassing €2,033,496 as coordinator and 7 as participant, amassing € 3.418.582, including a prestigious FETOpen and 2 MSCA (NANORESISTANCE-FP7-IAPP and PATHCHOOSER-FP7-ITN) through which she has trained and supervised 3PhD students and 9 PostDocs. Her educational achievement have been rewarded with an Honorary Degree at the International Academy for Medical Education (IAMED). She has been invited to join as full member the Health-eu FET-Flagship (, demonstrating her networking skills. Research Policy and Scholarly Achievements, include: Founding Member and Vice-EFB Section of Medicines Development; Vice-Chairman, EUREKA Cluster on New Safe Medicines Faster; EC, DG Research Expert (FP7 Nanomedicine, People’s Program, Life and ICT); EUREKA Organization, Independent Expert Panel (Nominated by RPF) EUROSTARS Program, 2013; European Research Council, Program Evaluator, HORIZON2020, ESF –COST Network, Invited Expert, 2015-2020; EuroNanoMed- Invited Expert, 2017. Dr Odysseos sas delivered more than 30 invited and distinguished lectures over the last 8 years, has organized and co-chaired premier scientific events including (i) The International Conference on Biology and Treatment of Metastatic Cancers (2016 -International Organizing Committee,) Cyprus, (ii)1st and 2nd International Conference on Nanotheranostics (ICoN2013/2015 - International Organizing and Scientific Committee), (iii) Chair, Advanced Summer School, “Managing Drug Resistance with Nanomedicine” (2013), (vi) Program Committee / Session Chair, “Biomarkers in Drug Development”, 13th European Congress of Biotechnology.
Andreani Odysseos
- Position: Cancer
- Affiliation: University of Cyprus (ECE)
- Email: